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Introduction of Web and HTML
In this blog , let us understand what is web server and how is work also what is HTML .
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Web is a comman name as World Wid web , a subset of internet consisting of pages which are access through Internate by using web browzers.basically web is not internate, it is one of the top of many application build in iternate.
Web consist of several components:
- HTTP (hyper text transfer protocol) governs data transfer between server and clients.
- URL(unifrom resource locator) to access web components , a client supplies a unique universal identifier.
- HTML(hypertext markup language) is the most common formate for publishing web documents.
How web server works:
Whenever the browser needs a file which is hosted on the web server ,it send request by HTTP to web server and in web server , HTTP server accept request find the documents and send back the required file.web server need to accept every HTTP request and response it , if the file not availabe in sever ,it returns a 404 response instead.
The most famous server we use is Apache2,IIS, lighttpd and Jagsaw.
It is most buildeing block of web, standard language for creating web pages."Hypertext" refers to links that connect web pages to one another. "Markup" refers to annotated text, images and other content display in a web browser. HTML includes different types of tages . it consist of Head and body. the contains in head is not shows in web page and the contain in body is shows. it has different tags like h1,h2,p,img etc.
The tag h1 ,h2 is write is as-
<h1> This is h1 Tag</h1>
For writing paragraph p tag is use as follow-
<p> this is a paragraph</p>
For images img tag is use as follow-
<img src="favicon144.png" alt="MDN logo" />
there are differnt tags use in HTML to create web pages .
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